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- [Narrator] After the recovery of more than 200 bodies, the Navy is forced to stop the retrieval effort because of increasingly dangerous conditions.>>完整场景
They'd got caught by the flames, they'd been reduced to charcoal.>>完整场景
We also found a bunch in the aft fire control tower.>>完整场景
A lot of the men had burned right down to the deck.>>完整场景
Many of the men were in ashes, behind the big guns on the ship.>>完整场景
We saw a bunch of helmet liners lying across the ship.>>完整场景
- I think about the first thing we saw on the Arizona was a bunch of ashes blowing off of this ship.>>完整场景
- [Narrator] After the fire subsides, Seaman Sterling Cale is assigned to lead a group of 10 sailors to recover bodies from the wreckage.>>完整场景
The only light you could see on the whole island was the burning of the Arizona.>>完整场景
The fires on the ship rage for more than two days.>>完整场景
2,403 people are killed, 1,177 on the Arizona alone.>>完整场景
(fires burning) - [Narrator] By the end of the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, 21 U.S. ships have been sunk or damaged.>>完整场景
- The phone was there on the desk, and the light bulb was in the socket.>>完整场景
- [Narrator] With the custom-built ROV still not ready, Don will miss the exploration of the deeper decks.>>完整场景
- So this is another way to allow the survivors to remember what it was like, to see what their shipmates endured, and to strengthen that bond.>>完整场景
And you can see in this particular cabin the sink looks like it's on the floor because of this high sediment load.>>完整场景
- [Narrator] Everything, the way it was left on the morning of December 7th.>>完整场景
In the past, we've seen cups, things that are porcelain in nature don't collect marine growth, they stay white.>>完整场景
- [Narrator] The officers wardroom, on the starboard side of the vessel.>>完整场景
- [Narrator] The ROV enters the area where the officers lived.>>完整场景
- [Woman] You want me to the right?>>完整场景
- You can't travel all that far into the vessel because you need to be able to turn around and come back out, you might get snagged as you go around a corner, all sorts of different things can happen once you're in the ship.>>完整场景
- Yeah, keep going left up the wall right in front of us, and you want to follow that.>>完整场景
- [Narrator] Due to the sediment accumulation over 75 years, the National Park Service doesn't believe they'll observe any human remains inside the ship.>>完整场景
And people always ask about human remains and the people that lost their lives in the Arizona.>>完整场景