
n. 天花板;上限


INT. PALACE BALLROOM - NIGHT A magnificent masquerade ball is in full swirl; the dazzling light of chandeliers bounces off the gilt ceiling and sparkles on the jewels of swirling dancers, their numbers multiplied in the polished mirrors that line the walls.>>完整场景
INT. THE FAVORITE MISTRESS' PALACE ROOMS - DAY A young Musketeer ushers Michelle into the palace bedroom previously occupied by the King's last mistress. The Musketeer leaves her alone, frozen in the center of the room, awed by the opulence. Her eyes play over the details: -- The handcarved, richly upholstered furniture, beneath her fingertips... -- The carved figures of cherubic angels, gleaming with gold, upon the posts of the bed... -- The murals on the walls and ceiling... Her reverie is interrupted by a HANDMAIDEN who bustles in carrying a magnificent dress.>>完整场景
INT. PALACE - BEDROOM - NIGHT Within a bed whose tapestried posts stretch to the sixteen foot ceiling, the king is making love; the YOUNG WOMAN lying beneath him is doing her best to sound sincere.>>完整场景
Upstairs, the SWAT TEAM, guns poised, peeks over the lip of the broken ceiling just in time to get a face full of — - exploding plumbing.>>完整场景
THE BAT-MAN uses the noise and confusion to drop through a hole in the ceiling, unseen, onto a SWAT GUY. He pulls back the SWAT GUY's helmet and sprays him with mace.>>完整场景
The SWAT COMMANDER and SQUAD TWO go below to the — INT. ABANDONED TENMEMENT. BASEMENT - NIGHT The grenades have destroyed the superintendent's basement apartment and blown a hole through the ceiling over his SMALL BATHROOM.>>完整场景
The SWAT TEAM enters the lobby. The top floors have collapsed down the staircase filling the area with rubble. The elevator shaft is piled with debris. Water pours from the ceiling.>>完整场景
From the high, arched ceiling hang bare bulbs, tangled pipes, winches and chains. Industrial lathes, drills and presses line the walls. All covered in dust.>>完整场景
INT. UPHOLSTERY DISTRICT CATHOUSE - NIGHT SELINA and HOLLY now live in a large warehouse divided by plywood into dozens of small rooms for prostitutes. Their cubicle sports a sagging bed and a gaudy pink paint-job. The ceiling is chicken wire.>>完整场景
293INT -- RED'S ROOM -- DAY (1967) 293 Red is dressed in his suit. He finishes knotting his tie, puts his hat on. His bag is by the door. He takes one last look around. Only one thing left to do. He pulls a wooden chair to the center of the room and gazes up at the ceiling beam.>>完整场景
He glances up at the ceiling beam. "Brooks Hatlen was here." RED (V.O.) Only one thing stops me. A promise I made to Andy.>>完整场景
279INT -- RED'S ROOM -- LATE DAY 279 Small, old, dingy. An arched window with a view of Congress Street. Traffic noise floats up. Red enters and pauses, staring up at the ceiling beam. Carved into the wood are the>>完整场景
He takes one last look around. Only one thing left to do. He steps to a wooden chair in the center of the room, pulls out s pocketknife, and glances up at the ceiling beam.>>完整场景
113INT -- BROOKS' ROOM -- DAY (1954) 113 Brooks enters. The room is small, old, dingy. Heavy wooden beams cross the ceiling. An arched window affords a view of Congress Street. Traffic noise drifts in. Brooks sets his bag down. He doesn't quite know what to do. He just stands there, like a man waiting for a bus.>>完整场景
20INT -- RED'S CELL -- NIGHT (1947) 20 Red lies on his bunk below us, tossing his baseball toward the ceiling and catching it again. He pauses, listening. FOOTSTEPS approach below, unhurried, echoing hollowly on stone.>>完整场景
Standing by the junction box, flips a switch turning the lights back on. The electricity shines light on... The BRIDE Splashed all over with blood. Blood painting the floor, walls and ceiling. Dead bodies, several limbs, and horribly wounded men who have yet to die, litter the ground.>>完整场景
INT. THE COMATOSE BRIDE'S HOSPITAL ROOM - NIGHT The CAMERA is in a corner of the ceiling, looking down on the comatose Bride, who lies motionless in her bed.>>完整场景
INT. OFFICE - DAY A man standing behind a large desk-behind him, floor-to- ceiling windows-has no small talk for Carson Wells, the man entering.>>完整场景
Holding on the mirror we see him walk back into the main room and stop, looking around. He looks slowly up to the ceiling.>>完整场景
Then she's off him. Chace is lying on his back looking upat the ceiling, bleeding from a split lip.>>完整场景
Romeo One-One:

I am serious…and don't call me Shirley. A square hole is cut from the ceiling of the plane and then it's pushed down. The first enemy comes out of the bathroom and is killed.
SSgt. Griggs:

Pick up an RPG and fire on that Hind! He Hind fires and destroys the pillars one by one, attempting to crush the jeeps with the tunnel's ceiling.

INT. ANTIQUE STORE - DAY We are in an antique store. Filled floor to ceiling with furniture and knickknacks. Anna stands with a YOUNG COUPLE. All three lean over and peer into a glass cabinet. An antique engagement ring sits on a velvet stand.
Be real still. Malcolm looks to Cole and then turns back to the ceiling. Malcolm's body becomes very still. Beat.>>完整场景
What is it? Malcolm follows the child's gaze to the ceiling of the gym.>>完整场景