
n. 天花板;上限



INT. GYMNASIUM - AFTERNOON It's a large shadowy GYM. Climbing ropes hang from the wood beamed ceiling. Cole is trembling slightly as he stands next to Malcolm.
(loud) Are you calling me? WE HEAR ANNA'S FOOTSTEPS MOVE ACROSS THE BASEMENT CEILING. WE HEAR THE FRONT DOOR OPEN. ANNA (o.s.) What? You don't see enough of me at the store? Malcolm gets up and moves closer to their voices as he stretches his legs. MAN'S VOICE (o.s.) On my way to the flea market in Amish country. Thought maybe you want to come. Show me how to buy at these things. ANNA (o.s.) I trust you... Besides, I don't know if I'm up for the Amish today. You can't curse or spit or anything around them. Malcolm smiles at Anna. MAN'S VOICE (o.s.) I thought you'd want to get out. You've been kind of down. Malcolm slowly stops smiling. ANNA (o.s.) That's very sweet. I'm okay. MAN'S VOICE (o.s.) Do you think I should stop by on my way back? Show you what I got? It's not a problem. Malcolm shakes his head in disbelief. ANNA (o.s.) You know that's probably not the best idea. I'll just wait to see them in the store. MAN'S VOICE (o.s.) Okay. Fine. Understood. (beat) I'm off then. ANNA (o.s.) Don't step in the horse manure. MAN'S VOICE (o.s.) Thanks.WE HEAR THE FRONT DOOR SHUT. Malcolm moves to the narrow basement window. INT./EXT. MALCOLM'S HOUSE - DAY We see SEAN, an attractive young man in his late twenties. He gets into his car across the street. He just sits there for a moment before putting his forehead to the steering wheel.>>完整场景

INT. BASEMENT OFFICE - NIGHT The surface of Malcolm's desk is covered with open texts. Malcolm pours over a thick reference book. He circles a phrase... "...resulting bruises and abrasions on arms and legs may, in fact, be self-inflicted." Malcolm appears disturbed by the thoughts running through his head. ANNA'S MUFFLED VOICE CARRIES DOWN THE STAIRS. His face turns up to the ceiling.
INT. BASEMENT - EVENING A NAKED LIGHTBULB SPARKS TO LIFE. It dangles from the ceiling of a basement. LIGHT, QUICK FOOTSTEPS AS ANNA CROWE moves down the stairs. Anna is the rare combination of beauty and innocence. She stands in the cummy basement in an elegant summer dress that outlines her slender body. Her gentle eyes move across the empty room and come to rest on a rack of wine bottles covering one entire wall. She walks to the bottles. Her fingertips slide over the labels. She stops when she finds just the right one. A tiny smile as she slides it out. Anna turns to leave. Stops. She stares at the shadowy basement. It's an unsettling place. She stands very still and watches her breath form a TINY CLOUD IN THE COLD AIR. She's visibly uncomfortable. Anna Crowe moves for the staircase in a hurry. Each step faster than the next. She climbs out of the basement in another burst of LIGHT, QUICK FOOTSTEPS. WE HEAR HER HIT THE LIGHT SWITCH. THE LIGHTBULB DIES. DRIPPING BLACK DEVOURS THE ROOM.>>完整场景
I don't think they're ordinary. I love keychains. INT. HALLWAY OUTSIDE LIBRARY, PARRISH TOWNHOUSE - NIGHT Parrish moves deliberately down the hall, slows as he nears the doorway to the library. The door is open. He hesitates before he crosses the threshold, taking in as much as his eye can see, now tentatively, he enters. INT. LIBRARY, PARRISH TOWNHOUSE - NIGHT A beautiful, classic room, areas of dim, warm light, club chairs, books reaching to the ceiling, a rolling library ladder, a weathered dictionary on a stand, a model boat carved of bone set into the stacks which are separated from the reading area by a seven-foot high partition of obscured glass. Parrish, poised in the doorway, looks around, nothing in sight.>>完整场景