
adv. 离去,离开;在远处


- It's very surprising that the starboard side has been more blown away like this, 'cause that's where the explosion was.>>完整场景
That's 4,000 miles away.>>完整场景
- So now for the first time, we have the ability to remove the water away from the ship and just look at the ship.>>完整场景
Last bomb away.>>完整场景
And now every pilot looks at Doolittle's plane... Doolittle starts the run down the flight deck...faster...the end looming. He turns the plane almost vertical, standing it on its props...and lifts away smoothly.>>完整场景
EXT. FLIGHT DECK - THE HORNET - DAY The pilots run onto deck. The cruiser next to the Hornet is still firing away at the Japanese patrol boat.>>完整场景
Order the cruisers to open fire! We've got to sink them before they get a message away.>>完整场景
Sir, lookouts on the cruisers report patrol boats, ten miles away!>>完整场景
Doolittle walks away.>>完整场景
The blood drains from Rafe's heart. Yet he finds the strength to move to her. She turns away, so she won't throw her arms around him.>>完整场景
It was. I couldn't have you go away, wherever it is...to war...without knowing something. You think I made a choice, of Danny over you. I didn't. I didn't have a choice. I'm pregnant.>>完整场景
Rafe is distracted; he's lost in though, looking at Danny -- and looks away just before Danny realizes it.>>完整场景
Who'll be the first one in, Colonel? I'd like to volunt -- Rafe elbows his ribs so hard it takes his breath away.>>完整场景
Evelyn's still standing there as the plane lifts away.>>完整场景
Rafe sees her first, but stops and looks away as Danny moves to her. For a moment he studies her eyes, and she does not look away.>>完整场景
EXT. HULL OF OKLAHOMA - NIGHT The welders are cutting away, the torches sending showers of sparks everywhere.>>完整场景
He turns away in horror...and finds himself staring at the severed head.>>完整场景
The orderly races away. They can still hear the bombs falling outside.>>完整场景
As the strafing Zero starts to bank away, two P-40's come in behind it, both of them gunning away. The Zero comes apart under the barrage, and crashes in a ball of flame.>>完整场景
He flips his bomb switch, and a HUGE STEEL BOMB falls away.>>完整场景
Men in the water swim toward a medical launch carrying wounded away from the wreckage. A bomb hits the launch and blows body parts everywhere.>>完整场景
The sailors and marines, thrown into the water, struggle to get away from the suction as the giant battleship turns turtle.>>完整场景
He and Rafe jump up and run again. Anthony, Red, and several other pilots reach the Buick and dive in. Danny drives away, through the strafing.>>完整场景
Something drops from the lead plane and splashes easily into the water; the plane banks away.>>完整场景
jeeps coming. They drag each other to their feet, and run away.>>完整场景