
prep. 属于;关于;…的;由…组成的


I'm not entirely sure I've had enough rum to allow that kind of talk.>>完整场景
That's the secret, grand adventure of the infamous Jack Sparrow.>>完整场景
From the looks of things, they've long been out of business.>>完整场景
Last time I was here a grand total of three days.>>完整场景
You vanished from under the eyes of seven agents of the East India Company.>>完整场景
The Black Pearl is gone. Unless you have a lot of sails hidden in that bodice... Unlikely.>>完整场景
Seeing as there's two of us, a gentleman would give us a pair of pistols.>>完整场景
That be the same island that we made you governor of on our last little trip.>>完整场景
It's the spitting image of old Bootstrap Bill come back to haunt us.>>完整场景
A distant cousin of my aunt's nephew, twice removed.>>完整场景
You took advantage of our hospitality last time.>>完整场景
Any of you so much as thinks the word "parley", I'll have your guts for garters!>>完整场景
And the rest of you, bring me the medallion!>>完整场景
- It has the element of surprise.>>完整场景
What say we run up a flag of truce, I scurry over to the Interceptor, and I negotiate the return of your medallion?>>完整场景
Of the two of us, I am the only one who hasn't committed mutiny.>>完整场景
- The blood of a pirate.>>完整场景
What sort of a man trades a man's life for a ship?>>完整场景
When you marooned me on that godforsaken spit of land, you forgot one very important thing.>>完整场景
Damn to the depths whatever muttonhead thought of parley!>>完整场景
Get after her, you feckless pack of ingrates!>>完整场景
I won't take questioning, not from the likes of you, Master Twigg.>>完整场景
The child in whose veins flows the blood of William Turner? Where?>>完整场景
Eat a whole bushel of apples!>>完整场景
When's that? When it's of greatest profit to you?>>完整场景