
prep. 属于;关于;…的;由…组成的


Punished we were, the lot of us, disproportionate to our crime!>>完整场景
Sprung a man from jail, commandeered a ship of the fleet, sailed with a buccaneer crew out of Tortuga... and you're completely obsessed with treasure.>>完整场景
Once we're quit of the curse, we'll be rich men... and you can buy an eye that fits and is made of glass.>>完整场景
- Ten years of hoarding swag.>>完整场景
- He roped a couple of sea turtles.>>完整场景
On the fourth morning, he roped a couple of sea turtles, lashed them together and made a raft.>>完整场景
He waded out into the shallows, and waited three days and three nights, till all manner of sea creatures became acclimated to his presence.>>完整场景
But after three weeks of a starving belly and thirst, that pistol looks real friendly.>>完整场景
"The location of the treasure, too.">>完整场景
That was before I'd met him, when he was captain of the Black Pearl.>>完整场景
Not a lot's known about Jack Sparrow before he came to Tortuga with a mind to find the treasure of the Isla de Muerta.>>完整场景
- Actually... Borrowed without permission, but with every intention of bringing it back.>>完整场景
Mr. Cotton, do you have the courage and fortitude to follow orders and stay true in the face of danger and almost certain death?>>完整场景
Feast your eyes, Captain. All of them, faithful hands before the mast.>>完整场景
Not the wind on my face, nor the spray of the sea... nor the warmth of a woman's flesh.>>完整场景
For too long I've been parched of thirst and unable to quench it.>>完整场景
All the scattered pieces of the Aztec gold must be restored, and the blood repaid.>>完整场景
Buried on an island of the dead what cannot be found, except for those who know where it is.>>完整场景
But the greed of Corts was insatiable.>>完整场景
One of 882 identical pieces they delivered in a stone chest to Corts.>>完整场景
I'm of no further value to you.>>完整场景
And the apples. One of those next.>>完整场景
That is the child of Bootstrap Bill Turner.>>完整场景
Let's just say it's a matter of leverage.>>完整场景
You know better than me the tales of the Black Pearl.>>完整场景