
conj. 但是;然而;而是


You know you passed yourselves off as cynical people but... You still have some faith in the system don't you?>>完整场景
Think so yeah -god I pulled a muscle in my bowl from yelling mortgage defaults have done nothing but go up!>>完整场景
Well, we don't understand why the ratings-agencies haven't downgraded sub-prime bonds since the underlying loans are clearly deteriorating well, the delinquency-rates do have people worried, but they're actually within our models so Says you?>>完整场景
Tell him to get his ass down here so, sub-prime loans go bad, but sub-rime bonds, which are made up of sub-prime loans, are more valuable?>>完整场景
We don't know, but deutsche is on the phone demanding payment call vennett, call that little sh*t!>>完整场景
Cool tell me more about these cdo's yeah yeah, ehm, ok vennett mentioned the cdo's, but actually, we took a look and they're way worse then even he realizes -these things don't even make sense Ben.>>完整场景
And when you come for the payday, I'm gonna rip your eyes out I'm gonna make a fortune but the good news is Vinnie, you're not gonna care cause you're going to make so much f***ing money!>>完整场景
There's a nice way to say that Vinnie... I'm serious we'll buy your swaps, but only if you say how you're f***ing us.>>完整场景
Look I'm a yield guy I make two thousand on a fixed rate prime but I can make ten thousand on a sub-prime adjustable trust me, I'm not driving that 7-series without strippers no-one on the pole has good credit, and they're all cash-rich.>>完整场景
Ten... but maybe fifteen.>>完整场景
He'd let it go for that... I don't it will break his heart, but he'll let it go why is he selling?>>完整场景
No-one will pull out, that would be suicide man down 17 percent for the year, but if they trust me, and they trust me!>>完整场景
I may have been early, but I'm not wrong!>>完整场景
Mortgage fraud quintupled since 2000 and the average take-home pay is flat, but... Home-prices are soaring, that means the homes are dead, not assets so Mike burry of San Jose, a guy who... Gets his haircut at supercuts, and doesn't wear shoes, knows more than Alan greenspan and Hank Paulson... I haven't talked to Hank, but yes he does.>>完整场景
Ehm.. You should talk to your landlord about that I'm sorry I don't have anymore information, but you ehm... You have a great day!>>完整场景
Eh, we're expecting to be expecting... I'd be upset clearing this out, but we're ..>>完整场景
Fine, fine, honey, you know what, I will consider it, but honestly... Cynthia I'm ok, I really am!>>完整场景
I know you must feel the same, but you never show it!>>完整场景
You hate wall-street, but maybe it's time to quit?>>完整场景
Look, I don't think you mean to do this, but eh..>>完整场景
Not me, I'm not a weirdo, I'm pretty f***ing cool, but we'll meet again later!>>完整场景
Yeah, you got to have somebody to repeat so you don't sound dumb, but come on Our financial institutions are strong!>>完整场景
But When you add thousands of them all bundled together suddenly, the yield goes up, but the risk is still small, because... Well, they're mortgages, and who the hell doesn't pay their mortgage?>>完整场景
You see, Lewis didn't know it yet, but he already changed banking forever with one simple idea.>>完整场景
That is until Lewis rainieri came on the scene at Salomon brothers you might not know who he is but he changed your life more than Michael Jordan, the I-pod and YouTube put together!>>完整场景