
conj. 但是;然而;而是


Billy falls, legless but still alive; then a bomb falls almost on top of him, sending body parts over the pilots.>>完整场景
Anthony tries to grab him and drag him back to earth but he misses; Billy gets a few steps before the fire from a strafing Zero catches up to him; his friends watch in horror as Billy gets shorter as he runs; the Zero's machine gun fire is sawing his legs off from the feet up.>>完整场景
He's belting it like a baritone in a bizarre opera. His friends stir; what the hell? Red points outside and tries to talk, but now he can't mutter a syllable. The guys hear the explosions, and realize... EXT. HICKAM FIELD - BARRACKS - DAY The pilots stagger out, half drunk, half dressed. Seeing what's happening, they race toward the flight line, where the clustered American planes are blowing up in groups, and the pilots are knocked to the ground.>>完整场景
EXT. THE MESS HALL AT HICKAM FIELD - DAY The men were sitting down to breakfast, but the machine gun bullets tearing up the outer walls have them clogging the doors, and it's so clogged they can't all get out.>>完整场景
EXT. DECK OF THE WEST VIRGINIA - DAY Dorie emerges into even greater carnage and confusion. A sailor, his body on fire, runs past and leaps into the oily water -- but it is in flames too.>>完整场景
-- INSIDE THE SHIPS, sleeping sailors are thrown from their bunks; those already awakened run for their battle stations, and try to make it up to the deck; but there's no escape there, as... -- Zero fighter planes strafe the ships, raking the decks and killing sailors with MACHINE GUN FIRE.>>完整场景
-- Children playing in the early morning sun, looking up as they see the planes flash by. The children look -- they've never seen this many, flying this low...but they are not alarmed, only curious.>>完整场景
We have achieved surprise, but their carriers are not in port. I don't like this.>>完整场景
She said I was so much like you. I said, No, I'm not. I'm like I am because of you, but I'm not you, not as good as you.>>完整场景
We were both torn up. I started dropping by to see her, because we understood what each other felt. We'd have coffee and try not to talk about you, but we always would.>>完整场景
Rafe doesn't seem to be listening; but Danny knows he is.>>完整场景
Rafe straightens up, but the waves of sickness come back over him and he bends over again. Danny looks at his friend, and the pain is written on Danny's face.>>完整场景
The Captain chokes back his frustration and shuts down the intercom -- but then he says to the Duty Officer, as they watch the shape disappear toward Pearl Harbor... CAPTAIN OF THE RALPH TALBOT If it's a blackfish, it has a motorboat up it's ass!>>完整场景
But they don't hit the wall; they tumble through the back window of the bar -- not covered in glass, but fronds and wood -- and out into the back alley.>>完整场景
The bouncer tosses Anthony aside, but before he can move in to interrupt the fight, Red breaks a lava volcano of Mai-Tai over the bouncer's skull. The bartender picks up the phone to call the M.P.'s.>>完整场景
The bar's bouncer, a big Samoan, moves over to break them up -- but Anthony steps in his way.>>完整场景
EXT. SHORE OF PEARL HARBOR - NIGHT Rafe stares out at the harbor, seeing nothing. As he stands there alone and shattered, he has one more SUBLIMINAL FLASHBACK Rafe is in the water of the North Sea; he seems dead, but his makeshift preserver is keeping his face above the surface.>>完整场景
I'm so sorry for what you must've gone through, but I'm back.>>完整场景
IN THE PRESENT Rafe stares through the window, at Evelyn, but he can't go in. He backs away from the window.>>完整场景
From his POV beneath the water, he sees something above the surface. It's only in his mind, but that makes it no less real...an orange glow, the warmth of the sunset, and her face above the surface... His limbs come to life, and he fights his way up, breaking the surface. The whole sea around him is dark and empty, but he grabs his makeshift preserver and holds on for dear life...and for Evelyn.>>完整场景
SUBLIMINAL FLASHBACKS -- Below the surface of the North Sea, Rafe's body drifts, but he fights his way back up...he kicks off his shoes, sheds the jacket, strips off his pants and starts tying the cuffs into knots.>>完整场景
His left hand is bandaged, but he is very much alive -- though seeing Evelyn has taken his breath, and even seems to have robbed him of the power to move. His eyes pick up every detail of her -- her face...her hands.>>完整场景
Now we see the shoulders of the figure, from behind, and can tell that it is a man in uniform, but at first we can't tell who. He's standing dead still, transfixed in watching Evelyn through the windows.>>完整场景
I swore not to talk about him tonight, but there's all this stuff I think I ought to tell you, that he didn't get a chance to. Rafe was...he was lonely. He had such high expectations of himself that he always felt empty. The week he met you he told me he felt his heart had always lived in winter, and for the first time in his life he has seen the spring.>>完整场景
We got some soldiers in traction from a jeep accident, but it's quiet. Except for the occasional fighter plane buzzing us.>>完整场景