n. 财富;大量;富有>> 例句
- The only wealth in this world is children.>> The Godfather: Part III 教父 3 1990 Movie Script
- Franklin Roosevelt. Born into great wealth. Fifteen years ago, he was stricken with polio. Now he cannot walk, or even stand without help.>> Pearl Harbor 珍珠港(2001) Movie Script
- If you spare me... I will give all my wealth and money to you.>> 新少林寺 Shaolin (2011)Movie Script
- Correct! Wealth guilt is one of the reasons keeping many people from seeking wealth.>> 2305-My English Record in Daily Work and Life
n. 处罚;罚款,罚金>> 例句
- You know the penalty for sanction-busting.>> 战争之王 Lord Of War Movie Script
- And there, my faithful Huntsman, you will kill her! But, Your Majesty, the little Princess! Silence! You know the penalty if you fail.>> 白雪公主和七个小矮人Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs Movie Script