
adv. 向前;(门等)关上


Feedback Loops:
A tight feedback loop is a game changer. Shortening your feedback loop will always pay dividends. Here are a couple of tools I use to shorten mine.>>完整场景
If he wants to talk to me, he should send a text.>>完整场景
Having a gym at work allows employees to engage in stress-relieving activities, release endorphins, and manage anxiety and depression, leading to improved mental well-being and reduced work-related stress.>>完整场景
I love animals, so I want to be a vet when I grow up.>>完整场景
Twitter needs to become by far the most accurate source of information about the world. That's our mission.>>完整场景
Would you like to work from home all the time?>>完整场景
Dad went to the dentist a few days ago.>>完整场景
Are you excited to move out of this place?>>完整场景
Would you like to work from home all the time?>>完整场景
Make sure you have a corrective feedback loop, and you can keep the cycle going. Even if when others are afraid to tell you the truth.>>完整场景
We were going to cook, but we didn't have any rice.>>完整场景
I'm trying to share my screen.>>完整场景
I’m going to assume you have a handle on JavaScript.>>完整场景
I have to make a video about World War I by Friday.>>完整场景
Emma is going to order an omelet, isn't she?>>完整场景
I'll talk to Dr. White before I go to health.>>完整场景
You need to take health before you graduate.>>完整场景
Annagram Want to do another movie?>>完整场景
Now we get to kick em in the teeth!>>完整场景
And when all was said and done, only one single banker went to jail this poor schmuck!>>完整场景
Banks took the money the American people gave them and used it to pay themselves huge bonuses and lobby the congress to kill big reform and then they blamed immigrants and poor people and this time even teachers!>>完整场景
The scc was completely overhauled and congress had no choice, but to break up the big banks and regulate the mortgage and derivative industries just kidding!>>完整场景
In the years that followed, hundreds of bankers and rating-agency's executives went to jail.>>完整场景
We need to gonna have to break up the banks the party is over!>>完整场景
But, at lest we're gonna see some of them go to jail.>>完整场景