
adv. 向前;(门等)关上


- The mission does rest on the ability of the ROV and the tether system to work.>>完整场景
So, yeah, I'm psyched, we're ready to go.>>完整场景
We're going to head in there and see what we get.>>完整场景
So we're going to take it slow.>>完整场景
We're going to go in an area where we know we can get it out, should we have any problems, it's pretty accessible.>>完整场景
- We're going to go slow, first dive, first day.>>完整场景
- [Narrator] The team hopes the new tether system will allow them to look deeper inside the ship than ever before.>>完整场景
- I'm going to do some in-water filming.>>完整场景
- [Narrator] The new self-spooling tether is designed to prevent the ROV from getting snagged inside the ship, a problem that has plagued previous Arizona expeditions.>>完整场景
- They created this really cool solution, which is essentially a big spool that pays out the cable as you go in, and then picks the cable back up as you go out, and the advantage there is you're not always pulling on the cable to get it further into the vessel.>>完整场景
That's our entry point, we're going to drop down in there.>>完整场景
So there's a fair amount of pressure, to make sure that the ROV works.>>完整场景
We have this narrow timeline that we need to hit, in time for the anniversary.>>完整场景
- [Narrator] After weeks of preparation, the team is ready to field test their custom-built ROV.>>完整场景
- [Narrator] As one of the few Arizona sailors still alive, to this day he wonders why he was spared.>>完整场景
(crowd applauding) - You know, to have Don back here and be able to participate in our project, in our research, it really means a lot having him be able to experience the ship again, like he's never experienced it since he was there 75 year ago.>>完整场景
(crowd applauding) - Kind of interesting to see what all the time and the sea has done with our old home.>>完整场景
- At this moment, I would like to let everybody know to be aware of the fact that we do have Mr. Donald Stratton with us.>>完整场景
75 years later, Don Stratton returns to his ship to be a part of the exploration.>>完整场景
- For an old country boy like me who had, you see the Arizona sitting there, tied up to the dock, it's immense.>>完整场景
For 75 years, his family has kept his memory alive, and held on to the treasure trove Ensign Weedan left behind.>>完整场景
Home to more than 1,500 men.>>完整场景
People have the ability to see what the ship looks like and what's still left in the harbor 75 years later.>>完整场景
- So now for the first time, we have the ability to remove the water away from the ship and just look at the ship.>>完整场景
- [Narrator] They are among the world's foremost underwater explorers, and key in bringing the Arizona back to life.>>完整场景