
adv. 向前;(门等)关上


- You can't travel all that far into the vessel because you need to be able to turn around and come back out, you might get snagged as you go around a corner, all sorts of different things can happen once you're in the ship.>>完整场景
- Yeah, keep going left up the wall right in front of us, and you want to follow that.>>完整场景
- [Brett] You want to pan and fly left.>>完整场景
- [Narrator] Due to the sediment accumulation over 75 years, the National Park Service doesn't believe they'll observe any human remains inside the ship.>>完整场景
- If we can give him the gift of being able to see in his old ship one last time, in real time, that's meaningful for everybody.>>完整场景
Two smaller ROVs will provide Don with the opportunity to have a peek inside the ship.>>完整场景
- You know, for somebody like Don, who has done so much and given so much, to be able to give anything back to him is an honor, and something that we hope to be able to achieve.>>完整场景
- [Narrator] For the past 75 years, Don Stratton has been eager to see inside his ship again.>>完整场景
- [Narrator] Close to a million pounds of gunpowder detonates, tearing the ship apart.>>完整场景
- [Narrator] The damage sustained in the attack is not what Don has thought it to be for the past 75 years.>>完整场景
- Now we can rotate it in 3-D to kind of give anyone who sees it that context.>>完整场景
- [Narrator] Back at the site where he fought for his life, Don is curious to see what's left of his ship.>>完整场景
- At 7:
45, I got relieved from my watch, and went to have breakfast.>>完整场景
- [Translator] There didn't seem to be a reason to be worried, because it looked like we would make a surprise attack.>>完整场景
- [Narrator] 230 miles north of Oahu, the Japanese carriers are in position to launch their attack.>>完整场景
- [Narrator] Standing in the way of Japan's ambitions in the Pacific, America's naval fleet in Pearl Harbor, ready to disrupt any invasion.>>完整场景
Said hell, sent me to Pearl Harbor.>>完整场景
- We saw the newsreels about that, but that didn't mean much to us.>>完整场景
In the Pacific, Japan is fighting a brutal war in China, and trying to expand its own empire further south.>>完整场景
- We all want this to succeed, and, you know, for numerous reasons.>>完整场景
Despite the technical glitches, the team hopes they can still keep to their schedule.>>完整场景
The team is forced to cut the test short for the day.>>完整场景
But, there are problems with the thrusters, and issues with the electronics cause the video feed to go down.>>完整场景
(indistinct talking over radio) - We are going to feed tether.>>完整场景
When we go in there, we need to be effective, and we need to be successful, because we may not get another chance for another 15 years.>>完整场景